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Recycling carrier bags

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Maximillian | 11:16 Wed 12th Apr 2006 | Science
4 Answers
How many years does it take the average disposable carrier bag to decay in the soil?
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The only carrier I know of that is degradable is the CO-OP, on which it states: "From date of manufacture, the plastic will start to degrade in approx. 18 months time. The whole process will take about 3 years"

We use bio-degradeable plastic bags here, and I have known someone to put loose rice in one in a cupboard and a month or so later pick it up and the bottom fell out, so maybe they weaken long before they actually start to disintegrate.
or maybe qapmoc you use poor packaging
"CO-OP's carriers dissolve completely in 36 months, breaking down into carbon dioxide, water and minerals."

Source: 748&method=full&siteid=94762&headl ine=so-what-are-we-using-10-billion-plastic-ba gs-for-a-year---name_page.html

It should be noted, though, that the latest type of carrier bags start to degrade even without being placed in soil. Our local council refuse to accept carrier bags in the recycling bin because many of them have degraded too far by the time they get to the sorting process.


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Recycling carrier bags

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