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tarasolomon1 | 16:37 Wed 10th May 2006 | Parenting
3 Answers
please help i have a daughter of 13 months old, she has all ways slept throught he night and in her own bed until we went on holiday about 3 months ago and now she will not sleep in her bed all night, i put her to bed about 7.30-8.00 and any time from 12.30am onwards whe will wake up and i try and get her i lay back down she just will not (she is in the same room as me) please help as i expecting my second in baby in august


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I know how difficult this sounds but the only thing that works is perseverance!

Each time she gets up just return her straight to her bed and without talking to her go back to yours. She will soon get the message and sleep straight through again.

Good Luck and be strong!

I agree with Sparky - you need to perservere, as once you cave in, it will take much longer to straighten things out.

I wouldn't recommend taking her into your bed, tempting as it may be, as it will then be even harder to crack.

You may have to be prepared for up to a week of returning her to her bed, but it's worth it in the long run (speaking as someone who did EVERYTHING wrong with my first and boy, did I pay for it!) I saw something on TV the other night (not sure if I'm allowed to name it here?) where they had to settle their little girl almost 300 times in one night!! I'm sure you won't be as extreme as that, but my point is, they stuck with it and it worked.

Good luck

you already have the answers you need from sparky1979 and xanderma, but just wanted to say i totally agree with them, i went through a WEEK of hell getting my little boy off when he woke up in the middle of the night, (hes 20 months) i now know not to turn on the lights, make eye contact, speak or rush to him as soon as he makes a sound, all these things mean attention and thats just what he wants. Its seems cruel at first but you have to stick to it, a rested mummy and baby is a happy mummy and baby!! GOOD LUCK!!

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