Well absolutely every Friday that comes along might be a bit too frequent sine it's obviously bothering you. Do you go out on your own at all or as a couple? I got out a LOT in the evenings ( part business, part winding down) and it drove my first wife into jealous hissy fits wheras my second doesn't mind a bit, but then she is also free to go out and we also go out as a couple a lot. I don't think he's unreasonable in wanting one night per week off, but maybe that shouldn't necessarily be alone, maybe you should go with him or at least get some time to yourself off as well, as the baby is littlish and bound to be a lot of hard work. Despite your talks and agreements it's obvious that his Fridays really matter to him so if he's still intractable you'll either have to be more assertive and risk it developing into a regular row ( which really erodes a marriage quicker then anything) or accept that it's just something that he does.If he ok in all other areas I'd question how important this is to you, if he's lax then the whole thing needs an overhaul.