is he the eldest? perhaps without meaning to you have begun treating him more as an adult and expecting him to be more responsinble and show an example to the younger ones, please dont take this the wrong way, but if he feels that is expected to act grown up it could be upsetting for him, at nine he is still really a baby and still needs kisses, hugs and attention. is your husband doing his share ogf looking after the kids/housework? you're tire and upset your hormones are making you emotional, you need a break, can you get someone to look after the kids once a week just so you can have a break and time to yourself, watch a movie while eating popcorn/ have a relaxing bubble bath or just pamper yourself for a few hours, as regards your son, give him lots of love and cuddles , let him know how spcial he is, not how grown up he is, maybe dad could spend some quality time with him, playing football, helping dad to wash car or mend his bike, antyhing to get them talking and bonding.