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Night time potty training

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tigwig | 22:16 Thu 06th Sep 2007 | Parenting
6 Answers
Do any of you have any tips for getting my 3 year old out of nappies for bedtime? I know I have left it really late, she was dry through the day well over a year ago but for my own selfish reasons that been she sleeps brilliantly until around 9 or 10 on a morning I haven't bothered to try. Her nappies have never got any dryer since she was trained through day, I think she wees before and during sleep and then on a morning when she wakes up. Because she drinks a large cup of milk before bed which I don't really want to stop giving her I can't see how she is suddenly going to remember and be able to hold her wee til morning. Please help!


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You could try giving her her glass of milk an hour earlier and then make sure hse uses her potty as she goes to bed. A well used method during this time is to wake your daughter when you go to bed to use her potty. It really does only take a few minutes and most children barely wake enough to have trouble getting back to sleep. This gets them into the routine of waking during the night if they need to and will also mean she stays dryer for longer, and hopefully through the night! Im afraid its just a case of getting into a routine where she goes before sleep, waking her later and then making sure she goes as soon as she her potty not her her nappy!
Have a plastic sheet on her bed for the accidents though! lol
Good luck :)
i didnt bother waiting for mine to have dry nappy in the morning. when they were reliable in the day i just took the nappy off at night. there were a few accidents for a bit but it soon stopped. i think its right not to give a drink before bed and make sure they use toilet just before.
mine didnt get another drink from the evening meal until breakfast.
For the first little while when i went to bed i "lifted" them onto the toilet and put them back there were a few accidents along the way but a waterproof mattress protector sorted that out, eventually they got the hang of it.

9 in the morning I wish!!! lol more like 6.30am and the youngest is 8 and still wakes then.
Hey there, I have a daughter of 2 who is dry in the day, I will do with her like I did with my other 2 kids.... that is when they no longer want to have a nappy at night they have to give up the night time milk. You cannot do the 2 together I'm afraid. My kids would have last milk at six, wee at 7 bed ... then at 8ish just before they fell to sleep another potty trip. It took about 4-6 weeks to be dry at night. But the last drink needs to go or it will always be this way with the wet nappy. I so believe you cannot potty train a sleeping child.. how can you? It will happen when there body has all the right conditions to make it happen. Good luck x
PS, you have not left it really late, never judge your kids by others kids. SOme people don't even look at day time training until they are 3, so please dont worry. Your child is perfect the way she is ~K~
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Hi Megal, thanks for your very sweet reply! I am going to cut down on her milk and give her it at no later than 6.00pm she will then go to bed at 7.30-8.00 after several wees hopefully. we'll see what happens!

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