Psy, I was always lead to believe that it is ok to use feed up within 24 hours as long as it is stored in the fridge - the leaflet that came with the steriliser I use suggests this, I have looked on the formula tin for advice but there is nothing on there. However, a midwife told us on my first visit after leaving hospital that we should be making each feed as and when we need it as opposed to two or three at a time (which is what I do).
Do you think Emilia is really going to understand when she wakes hungry at at 5am that she will have to wait for the kettle to boil, then cool, then for me to make the feed, then cool the bottle so that it is an ok temperature for her to drink? If you intend to go out for the day they suggest that you take a flask of hot water and make the feeds up as you go as opposed to making as many as you need and taking them with you. I bought Colief drops but didn't have to use them in the end and the very same thought crossed my mind. By the time you have another baby (haha) they will have changed the rules again! Emilia, like Holly, is doing brilliantly so I wouldn't worry about it atall xx