Poor wee soul. They don't know at that age why they are in pain and poor parents. It really can be an exhausting time when your baby is teething and not all babies respond to it in the same way. Both my daughters cut their first teeth at three months old but my eldest daughter was neither up nor down with it , whereas my youngest daughter was extremely fretful , crying all the time. I always knew when a tooth was coming because of the tell-tale signs - burning red cheeks , constant dribbling , biting at their hands , fretfulness and nappy rash , which they only ever got whilst teething. I found that calpol was good but bonjela was much better because you can rub it directly on to the gums. You only use a tiny amount though and it now comes in a sugar free banana flavour which seems more pleasing to babies than the original flavour which seems very strong , aniseed I think. It's a very testing time for parents but it does pass - although it may seem at the time as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel - and it doees get better. My hubby and I used to take turns of soothing our daughters by cuddling them close and singing to them when they were distressed. You sound like a very caring friend Doodlebug. As long as your friend has plenty of support from either partner/family/friends who can take turns of baby and let mum get a sleep if she is exhausted , she will get through this. Hope this helps x