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Hi Karen, you have hit the nail on the head. They already go to a school with a very rough element and I don't have a problem with that for precisely the reasons you give. My eldest has been bullied (not by the rougher kids!) and although some of the worst troublemakers have already moved up to high school they occaisionally come through the estate looking for trouble. The problem is really that because of the reputation of these boys and some of the incididents he has seen, my son is terrified of them, as a consequence, he "skulks" about when ever they are around, he is trying to make himself invisible, but actually all he is doing is drawing attention to himself. My thoughts are that if he goes to a different High school and he doesn't know who the rough kids are, he wont set himself up as a target right from the start and it will allow him to settle down. Obviously I don't know what the future holds, but I would expect that he will go to university and that we will remain living in a nice environment, so his requirement to learn to deal with the toerags should be minimal. in case this sounds like snobbery, i should add that i grew up in a rough council estate and my husband grew up in a mill village, we were the toerags! However we have worked hard and have a very different lifestyle now. There are a lot of good kids in the school from all backgrounds and I have always given them free reign to have whatever friends they choose. However, their friends are very much like them.
They also go to Out of School care in an area that is quite rough and haven't had any problems. I could probably put the whole problem down to a couple of boys, one in particular is well known to the police - it is only a matter of time before this boy is locked up as he has already put more than one boy in hospital and he is only 12!
Anyway, lots to think about. Thanks for your input.