I wonder if anyone has had this trouble and could tell me (no smutty jokes comments please) what I can get for it. I havent got piles as had that checked when it first started. But the outside area is always really really sore.wiping it it feels so sore. and the surrounding area. I should imagine this is how it must feel with nappy rash. But cannot understand why I get it. I shower daily and have no reason for it to be like this.Have tried sudocream but it doesnt seem to make any difference.
It could be a symptom of Lichen Sclerosus, it generally affects the vulva area (I'm guessing your a woman) but also it can make you sore there, red and stinging. Google that and see what you think.
Lichen sclerosis is pretty rare in adults isn't it? I know of one adult who has it and she has suffered from thrush a lot... or rather it was most likely to be LS but it was assumed to be thrush.
Thankyou for your replies. Well not sure about white spots as I havent looked. And not so much around my vulva, except maybe at the top end . It hasnt ever itched as all. But is very sore. Have had a google on LS it could be that. but as I said no itching. I am a women by the way. Also Sqad no discharge. To help discribe it better it feels like you.....the morning after a strong curry or an upset tummy when you have been to the toilet a lot. stinging and really sore. It isnt a fissure either as it is more spread over than it would be with that.
I was going to ask if you have any tummy problems causing diarrhoea. i get chronic diarrhoea and mine gets pretty sore as well.
I also had problems with a fissure and have some medicated gel on prescription which is fantastic (more for the fissure but helps the outside as well). Sheriproct I think it is.
Definitely worth getting yourself checked out as it's just not nice and there may be something they can give you to help.
Try Vaseline. I get itchy round there sometimes, I sometimes think it's if I haven't dried myself properly from the bath, and yes it can get very sore. I took it to the GP once (o joy) and he said it was inflamed and gave me some topical ointment - but I find Vaseline soothing - after you've "been and cleaned".
Are you overweight? Could it be that you are sweating a lot down there causing the conditions for fungal or yeast infections (like large women get under their bust)?
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Pain in the bum..........................................