IMO we are not only talking about the question you pose, but as you mention later, there is a different culture involved as well. I have friends from the Asian subcontinent whose mother actually lives with them and she has a great part in bringing up their children. If this is the only option then my personal preference would be for the grandparents to come here so that the child in raised in he UK culture and language (although most Asian children are already bilingual IME), and the mother will see the child every night if the GPs live in their house. However, has the mother explored the child care on offer through the University? Most have creches or voucher schemes for child care to support mature students. Also, re schooling, if he stays in the UK then the child can also then be booked into schools in the UK without any worries about residency, given that he will be probably 4 by the time the mother qualifies. If the child has been seen as living abroad, that may have implications for getting their names down for a local school and for settling down in the eduction system, Option1 would be my definite preference