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My partner and I are trying for a baby. After having implanon removed my period returned the next month and having a 26 day cycle. I was hoping I may be pregnant this month but my period arrived, but...
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Finally after 3 years of trying, finding I have polysyctic ovaries, rounds of Clomid, Prods,Pokes,Tests, we have found out Im pregnant (after doing 5 tests because I couldnt quite believe what I was...
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I will be 28 weeks pregnant when flying. My Current bank insurance doesn't cover medical expensise if related to pregnancy or child birth. My doctor said it very important to have cover as I'm...
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Im only 7 weeks pregnant but Im currently suffering with (most probably unrelated) back pain. Its a muscle pain, very painful, and Im finding it difficult to sleep. Ive tried heat packs and a hot...
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How bad is stress for an unborn child? I've had a particularly hard couple of days, feel very stressed out and now my bump aches, so now I'm stressing that I might be harming the baby.
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Just had to share my news with someone as I'm bursting! We found out yesterday we are expecting bambino number 2! Think I'm about 6 weeks. Bit of a shock actually, but a very happy one :o)
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How soon after having the marina coil's removed does normal fertility return enough to concieve? I had my removed on 25/2 and have been TTC. I didn't have any initial bleeding but bleed 2 days for...
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Came off pill on 3rd Feb, had period up until the 10thish, counted more than 21 days since then - been on pill for 20 odd years, my questions are; Can being on the pill for this long muck up my cycle,...
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if someone is a carrier of mrsa is it safe for newborn babies to be around them without risk of getting the infection? i've tried googling this but cant quite find the answer im after! so hopefully...
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does anyone or their partners take this drug and have had to come off it before they tried concieving?thanks
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Does anyone know why they do them at 11 weeks now instead of 12? I was told that was standard now to do the booking at 8 weeks insted of 10, and scan at 11 instead of 12 weeks. Not that it matters,...
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I'm only 12 weeks but my jeans were too tight so I dug out my old maternity trousers, now I look huge - I've literally developed a massive bump in the past few days! Didn't start showing on Baby 1...
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I'll try to be brief! Had problems with periods and was therefore put on coil. That was taken out after 5 years and i went on the mini-pill. I stopped taking that in October/November of last year and...
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Do you know if having an overactive thyroid can affect your fertility? I am 27 and have had it for approx 8 years.
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Hi I'm pulling my hair out! I'm struggling to find a pram that will fit in both my car (a T-Reg Nissan Micra) and my DH's (a R-Reg Megane coupe), meaning that we need one that folds down to within...

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