I want to shout it from the roof tops! After many posts on here looking for help and support, husband and i are pregnant after 2 yrs and 3 months of trying! After endless blood and hormone tests,...
They have offered me a sweep tomorrow.
Has anyone had one and was it successful?
Are they painful? I'm a bit anxious is all, although I'd rather have this than be induced.
Thanks x...
I'm confused, after our scan our due date changed. I am now 13 weeks and 2 days pregnant but I'm told I'm in my 14th week of pregnancy? When reading up on baby's progress should I read week 13 or week...
We have been trying for a baby and I have a regular 28 day cycle and now 6 days late. I have tested and get negative result. Could this be too early to test or is there other reasons for missed...
My sons girlfriend thought she was pregnant but it turns out she doesn't have a period when she has her "rest" week from taking the contraceptive pill.I have never heard of this happening...
Hi, does anyone know anything about not getting near sheep if you are pregnant? Is it just when they are lambing, or when they are also pregnant? Our sheepdogs works sheep with my husband and i am...
Has anyone had a baby turned from breech position to how a baby should be before it engages for delivery. I am only 26 weeks but my baby has been in breech position for about 10 weeks - hope it doesnt...
All the time! I probably get an hour when feel ok. The look of food and thought of food makes me wretch. I didn't eat much yesterday at all (the worst day of feeling rough so far). Bit worried about...
hey im 24 weeks pregnant and over the past week i have had this sudden urge of wanting sugar especially cans of coke i am drinking 6/7 per day, before i was pregnant i didnt really enjoy anything like...
I finished my pill and after the 7 day break I didn't start a new pack. I had unprotected sex twice (days 9 and 10) and was just wondering how likely it is to fall pregnant and how early can I take a...
I'm so scared as I know what's coming :-( I'm avoiding an epdiural as I has to be cut last time and forceps. Any tips on how do deal with the pain. Can't sleep I'm so scared even though I've done it...
I had a growth scan yesterday and was told the baby weighed approx 5.2 lb. Not sure how accurate these things are to be honest. Anyway, midwife came today and told me that my belly was measuring only...
I had a miscarriage (6 weeks) at the end of May and am just wondering what the normal timescale is to be able to fall pregnant again? My period arrived today, but was a few days late and I had started...
I posted on here last week regarding bleeding I was experiencing at a little over 5 weeks pregnant. I went to see the doc on Tues who took a urine sample to test hormone level and Im going back on...
Hi guys, im a little over 5 weeks pregnant and this afternon had a litlle spotting, brownish in colour. Now I am bleeding heavier, not like a full period but more than spotting. Is this fairly common...
After 20 months of trying for a baby, and two miscarriages, I have found out again this month that I am not pregnant. I am going to see the Dr in a few days to discuss what, if any tests can be done...