She posted here 9 days ago wondering if the contractions she was getting could be the start of labour but Ive not seen here post anywhere since. I was just wondering if anyone has seen her about on...
just thought id put this up in case any mums or mums to be have any in cupboard 0/Curdled-baby-milk-recalled-infants-violently -sick.html
I Have just sent a post + for some reason it has gone under Family + not Pregnancy! i would be most grateful if anyone could have a read + offer me any advice please. Im really scared! x
After two attempts at IVF/IXI treatment which have been unsuccessful, I am loathe to put my wife through the emotional and physical roller-coaster that it entails. Has anyone else had similar...
i slept wit my ex bf it wasn't planned and we didnt use protection. im worried now that i could be pregnant. i took a pregnancy test and it came back not pregnant im jus worried i have taken it too...
i have been eating alot lately, but i dont know if it could be pregnancy or something else. the weird thing is that i eat and i dont get full, im still hungry or im just satisfied and then half an...
Hi all, I just bought a baby monitor for my daughter who is due in a week.I bought the Summer Infant Quiet Sounds Video monitor for her. Have any of you used this one? Is it any good?...
I Want To Know...If I Go On The Pill But Don't Use A Condom Will I Become Pregnant? I Am Sooo Worried As I Am Too Young To Become A Mum!
Please Help Me!!
ok my 16 yeard old daughter had a boyfriend for two years and they finally broke up because me and her dad found out they were having sex but now she doesnt know this but we know she is still seeing...
hi im 16 years old and i think im pregant. my boyfriend is 19 and i t have been on the pill for almost a year now. i have kept taking my pills even though i think im pregnant. should i keep taking...
I hope someone can help me as I'm gettin desperate!! I'm 39 years with a son aged 5 conceived by a low dose of clomid. I became pregnant again on a higher dosage 100mg and miscarried at 4 1/2 months...
Hi, dont know it this is the right section to be in, but just wondered if anyone knew of a recipe for a face pack. Iv just found out im pregnant, my skin has gone a little bit oily, but its really...
i knwo this probably the wrong section to put this question in but does anyone know after you have had a vacectomy should u be able to feel one knot or 2? thanks
I took the morning after pill after having unprotected sex. I understand the pill makes you start another period. While on that period i ended up having unprotected sex with my boyfriend again. Can i...