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Baby Names?

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lylabellablueyes | 10:35 Mon 09th May 2011 | Pregnancy
55 Answers
I'm after an uncommon baby name for boys and girls as im not sure what the sex is yet.

Originally i had Bella for a girl, but this is on the rise after the Twilight films.

My partner likes mack for a boy, but i'm not too sure.

What are your suggestions?


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I used to play footy with a lad called Chris Peacock!
Sci Fi? Do I sound as though I belong in 2001 Space Oddysey or Star Trek?!!
blake 7
not as a baby name in answer to sall lol
Shelby or Poppy for a about Max rather than Mack, or Malachy (pronounced mala-key)
> I used to play footy with a lad called Chris Peacock!

There you go then ... poor chap.
freya - girl
Marek- boy
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Jorja for a girl and Jaxon for a boy.
FYI lylabellablueyes there's a Suzanne Vega song called "Luka". Lovely song, but very sad. In it, "Luka" appears to be a victim of domestic violence ...
Our little girl is called Daisy, don't know of another Daisy but these ol fashioned girls names do seem to be making a come back in popularity.
We found boys name's a lot harder to agree on,
Uncommon names for a boy: Barney, Adolf, Osama! Our friends little boy is called Mckenzie and that's shortened to Mac. Ooh that's another thing most name will be shortened by there friends so no matter how many pain staking hours you take in choosing a name there friends will still shorten it......Daze ahhh its Daisy
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Martha / Milo
I do like one of the names Mariah Carey has just gone for............Munroe.
I love the name faith for a girl and devon for a boy i was goin 2 call my little girl summer and when she was four days old i changed my mind and she ended up being a mollie-mae x
My grandson is called Luca. He is absolutely gorgeous and the name suits him so well.
I know someone who has called 1st daughter Red Roses, 2nd Daughter Betty Butterfly and son Sparacus - poor kids!
Evie or Eve is sweet for a girl. For a boy Jude. (same as Jude Law)

Stela means a star
Selene is the Goddess of the Moon
Theodore is gift of god

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