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Falopian Tubes

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4getmenot | 22:02 Wed 04th Jan 2012 | Pregnancy
23 Answers
Has anyone ever had the dye test done to see if their tubes are working properly? What was done?


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I had it - they give you a general and then do something through an incision in your tummy button. Feel uncomfortable for a day or two afterwards but they tell you straight away what the results are. I was told I had one partially blocked tube - after 2 years of trying, I got pregnant a month or so after this test :o)
My ex had them inspected during a keyhole d-and-c with an ectopic and they were fine...."fur lined" was the conclusion, which caused quite a bit of mirth in the hospital.
my sister in law had it done a few years ago, as far as I remember, they make four tiny incisions in your tummy, and that's the way the dye enters and leaves, or that's what she explained to me........she was a little sore afterwards for a few days, but that was it.........
I had it done but there was no cutting involved. I was sent to our local X-ray unit, assumed "the position" and dye was, can I put this delicately? No.
In the "usual" manner and then I was x-rayed to show what was happening down in Dixie - I was broken! No more babies. I preferred that way to what has happened to others here, all that cutting and anaesthesia? Not for me.
sorry to hear that, nungate, its distressful when it happens.
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I dint think they could put it all up there in that way. I was told a general anesthetic if I do have to have one. Thats putting to sleep right?? Dont like the thought of that at all.
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If they are fur lined, do they try clear them there and then? And yes sorry to hear that nungate xx
You need the fur, 4getmenot, its all those little hairs that transfer the egg - cilia I think they are called.
I had a bad experience under a general anaesthetic when I miscarried and since then I've refused to "go under".
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ah yes sorry , do they clear them if blocked??
I think that sometimes the process of putting the dye through helps depending on what is blocking but no, they wouldn't generally do any other procedures when you were under as you haven't given permission for one thing.
I went into the hospital in the morning had the op and then came home at tea time - i took the next day off work and went back the following day. it was fine, had a couple of dissolving stiches in my tummy button which came out a bit later.
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well I have somemore blood tests next, then next step
Good luck with it - we went through all the tests including the above and then were told in the follow up appointment that despite there being a slight blockage in one tube, that there was no reason we couldn't conceive. I got pregnant the next month. :o) I now have 2 kids 13 months apart.
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did you have some ovarian cysts annie?
not as far as I am aware 4get. I had one of those internal scans (which wasn't pleasant!!) and I think that's what it tested for (??) and I think that was okay. we are talking 12 years ago now. I had very irregular periods and spotting and bleeding in between too so it was very hard to track my cycle - though this only really started when we were trying for a baby so I am not sure if it was related or stress or what.
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my periods havent been regular since coming off pill, so difficult to work out cycle. My partner was tested first because he had cancein the past. I then had intrenal scan, they found some cysts, but then I had blood tests and all fine. But doc wants to test again 21 days after 1st day of next period, then after that check falopian tubes.
sounds like you are going exactly the same as we were. We were also told to have less sex!!

I wasn't sure if it was coming of the pill or the stress f not getting pregnant that was affecting my periods but as soon as we knew everything was ok - it just seemed less stressful - we also then went to a party and I got really drunk (hadn't been drinking at all since before we started trying) and Bob's your uncle!!
Yep i had the lap & dye procedure nov 2010. They went in through belly button and incision on bikini line. Was horrified at the thought of going under but was honestly totally fine, was home about 2hrs later and had 4 days off for recovery. Bit tender but nothing else. With me they agreed to try and fix any probs while in there, i signed a consent form for this. They found nothing and i fell pregnant sept 2011. Please don't worry, sounds scary but really ok.
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Thanks whatevs. Its just the thought of being knocked out

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