I'm driving myself slightly mad with reading items on the web, but none of them are answering my question, so here goes, I hope you can help.
We are actively trying to conceive. Sadly last year I had a miscarriage and for the last 7 months we've had no joy. Sine the MC my periods have been regular at 35 days. This month I came on 10 days early and it only lasted for 2 days. On the 3rd day there was nothing, then on the 4th day very light spotting, but only on wiping.
Should I consider that I have had my period, or should I still be saying my period is due about now (which would've been day 35)? On Saturday night I had about half hour of really feeling sick, that came on very suddenly, and went away as quickly and I can feel very slight tummy pains.
Any advice, thoughts or personal experience would be gratefully received!
Thank you
wo there!before seeing docs etc, take a test, you could well be pregnant. If negative leave for a week and test again. If you still havent come on go for blood tests.
Do we think that I could be preggers then? AND should I still consider my cycle to be the 35 days it was and test if I haven't come on by the end of the week, OR, do we think it could have just been a messed up cycle and early period?
take a test tomorrow, and take a test next week. Either way you will find out. If you think the being sick is because you are pregnant then if is you will get a positive
yes and if your periods are 35 and not the normal 28 then they are a bit messed up anyway. Also more people miscarry early on so teasting early isnt always a good idea, so test at 35 days
I hope you get the result you want hun. By the way I dont know if you've found a site called the baby centre while you've been on the web. It's great and is full of women just like you and there's a board for people who are 'actively trying'. Fab for support.