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C section

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yummymum | 15:21 Wed 10th Jan 2007 | Pregnancy
16 Answers
Hi all, I am currwently pregnant with my second child I am only early on so have not had a hospital appointment yet, with my first i had a c section because he was breach and i would like another c section this time round(I always wanted a c section first time) I think I should be allowed to opt for a section but is this the case?


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I had a c section with my first child and didn't want to have another one with my second. I was told that I might not have the option as there can be concerns that the old scar can rupture during birth and the doctor would insist that I have one. Anyway I did have a natural birth and everything was ok. Having had a section previously I personally preferred a natural birth and recovered much quicker. I think you stand a better chance of having another one considering this is your second child. Good luck anyway.
A case of to posh to push me thinks
If there is a medical reason for offering you a c section then it will be. If your first birth was not that long ago then a c-section is usually given to prevent the rupture of the scars but many women are encouraged to try for a natural labour so you may not get the choice.
Im sure you realise that a c-section is major surgery and is not something to be taken lightly, perhaps there are fears that you have about a vaginal birth. Talk to your midwife in the first instance
redcrx is correct ~ a vaginal birth is preferable in most circumstances and any fears you my have must be discussed with your midwife.

I haven't had any c sections, but have friends and relatives who have. My aunt had a c section first time round as her baby was presenting 'face' instead of the top of his head. 3 years later she had another baby, although this time it was a very speedy vaginal birth ~ the birth she says she much preferred! I know of others who have gone for elective c sections after a first c section..I don't actually know if it was asked for or whether the obstetrician recommended it.

My sister in law has had 3 sections ~ the first 2 were emergency and the third elective (non dilation). She wishes she hadn't had to go through with any of them.

Good luck in your quest ~ I hope you get the result you want :o)
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thanks boro 1986 but you are wrong i actually have my own reasons for not wanting a natural birth but i dont believe thats what i came on here to discuss. Thank you everyone else for your
usefull comments xxxx
Hmmm thing is, your reasons for wanting a c section are important ~ nobody here can answer your question properly without knowing those reasons.
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They can cos i was only asking if you are allowed to opt for a c section...anyway i have many reasons, all the women in my family have had awful births in a number of ways, we are all quite small and that seems to be part of the problem. Other than that i have had a stroke since having my first and I am still having problems from that so could do with out having a awful birth!! thx again for you comments
Thanks for clarifying, yummymum.

It is very difficult to answer practically without knowing details ~ honestly. Your question 'can I opt for c section' will return the answer 'No' unless more details are given...

Now you have mentioned your stroke, coupled with your previous c section I would imagine your request would be looked at in great detail. The fact that everyone else in your family has had a 'bad birth' one way or another probably wouldn't matter though.
if its a medical reason, talk to your consultant, but I have to say that i watched a c section last year and the woman had had 2 previously, the surgeon had real probs getting to the womb as all the old scar tissue had stuck together and it took him ages to cut through it safely to get to the baby.
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thank you...seems i was a bit miss understood i was simply wondering if you could just opt for a c section for personal reasons...thank you all
sorry yummymum, you cant just decide you want one and be given a c-sect. The consultant will want to know your reasons and will base decisions on your history (not your family's).
Best wishes for your pregnancy
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well thats not right is it you should be able to choose
you can choose if you're willing to pay for it Im sure. Why should the NHS fund such a major operation, when it is not needed medically?
Your reasons that you mentioned above for wanting a c-section should be taken into consideration, but if you were just requesting one as one of the 'too posh to push' brigade then I certainly wouldnt be behind your decision.
Hi it seems people have been abit harsh but here is what i know: i had a c-section last year and have since fallen pregnant my consultant gave me the choice and booked me in for it when i was 13 weeks. My friend also had a c-section over 2 years ago and was given the choice. Do what ever u wanna do it's much less stessful for the baby. I hope everything goes well.
I'm afraid the NHS are strapped for cash, and this will be on their minds when a c section is well as the other implications eg not as safe as a vaginal birth.

A normal delivery costs the NHS approx �1,500. A c section is double that. Rightly or wrongly this has to be considered.

So no, you shouldn't be able to choose ~ unless of course you go private!

I thought I might be able to choose a c section for my second baby as both of us nearly died during the ordeal of my first (she was 10lb, I am 5'2", shoulder sustained fractures during delivery, I lost almost all my blood) but no. I had to have a 'trial of labour' and luckily all went well :o)

Sorry to be so graphic ~ I hate telling people about my first birth experience but in this case there is a valid reason to let you know that the professionals *usually* know the risk of problems you may or may not encounter after you have already been through one birth.

As you had a breech birth the first time round, they may not offer another c section unless this one is breech ~ although the stroke you suffered may have some bearing on their decision as I mentioned before.
It doesn't matter what other people think or say you do what you feel is right for you and your baby.

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