My point is that their experiences are only good for them, as mine are for me. Like I say, we found out, and that was the right thing for us, but it doesn't follow that it would be for you. Similarly, if everyone on here said, 'Oh no, we didn't find out,' that has absolutely no bearing on whether you should.
These things are personal decisions, and as I mentioned, you'll find a great many things throughout the pregnancy where you have options; pain relief, what position you give birth in, home birth/ hospital birth. The only correct thing for you to do is what is right for you, and no one else can possibly answer that for you.
I feel quite strongly about this as my wife was 'bullied' about her choice of a home birth by several doctors and had she been a less forthright person, she might have allowed herself to go through a birth that wasn't right for her. We knew all the options and the risks for all of them, and we made the right decision for us, but I'd never presume to say it's the right decision for anyone else.