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November 14th

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spanner7853 | 13:42 Wed 18th Apr 2007 | Pregnancy
4 Answers
Anyone having a baby due November 14th if so how are you feeling in yourself? I am knackered, asleep by 9 and feel sick to the point I want to be sick but never am and this is only in the evening. Other than that i'm fine.


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spanner, so glad to hear alls still well!

I was exactly the same for first 12 or so weeks of my pregnancy. I could fall asleep as soon as i got in from work and happily slept for up to 14 hours a night.

I was often feeling sick in the eves and yet was never actually sick either.

once into the second trimester things did improve a lot and fairly quickly too. Then it was just the last 3 months that were rough again.
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i'm glad too i know its all a good sign but i hate the sickness thing it's horrible
yeah, its the fact that you feel sick constantly that makes it a bit worse i think.
I slept for england both times in the first 12 weeks. Something mr W couldnt work out as "it is only the size of a gerbil"!!!!!!! It is the time your body is doing the adjusting and the baby is doing lots of growing so it takes it out ou you big time. Hang in there it gets better as your body learns to cope. Rich tea biscuits always steddied my stomach.

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November 14th

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