hi, a bank loan is advised!!
the trick is to buy as much as you can whilst still pregnant as when twinkle toes is here you wont have much time for anything else!!
we got a microwave steamer, for sterilising baby's bottle's, teats, dummies etc, different from the conventional ones but fine all the same and cheaper into the bargain.
x2 blankets
x1 shawl
baby bath, bath products,
hair brush, nail clippers,
mits for covering wee hands so baby cant scratch its self.
pram with car seat, most prams are combined.
breast pump, if you plan to breast feed, then you can express milk and dad can feed baby, giving you a well earned rest.
x3 towels exclusive for baby, ones with hoods in are perfect.
this list should give you an idea, of whats needed.
i found the baby book by Dr miriam stoppard, a great reference point, everythings covered.
best of luck! xxxx