Hi i had this poblem when i had my baby, i didnt know what to pack for him so i took everything lol!
What you will need is:
3 or 4 baby vests and sleep suits
Pack of newborn nappies,wipes and talc powder
Bag of cotton wool to give baby a wash
Scratch mittens
A few bibs
couple of pairs of socks or booties
an outfit for when you take baby home and a jacket or coat and hat
The hospital will provide blankets but you might want to take 1 of your own, a nice snuggly warm one
The hospitla wil give you made-up bottle milk unless you breast feed or want to take your own..
Its like your packing for a 3 week holiday lol, but its so worth it when you see your baby in the cute tiny clothes!
Good luck, hope this helps x