Thought we could do with an update on who's due when...
k8bailey 4th June Dakotas SIL - 17th June Jacey - 19th June tipsey - 17th August daffy654's daughter - 24th July I Love Snow - 23rd August want2findout - 17th September niallsmama - 21st September Littlemissxx - 24th October aims - 28th October Physicsgirl - 6th November radiogaga - 17th December lollyone - 31st December
Congratulations beverleymot on the arrival of your beautiful little girl :-)
Hope everyone else is well. I'm sorry if I've missed anyone. Please feel free to add to the list!
Theres no need to say sorry. Just thought i'd have a moan. Really fed up of going to the hospital every day to have blood taken. It was either go every day or stay in. Just feeling a bit down today.
Oh you poor thing ILS. As you say though it's better to go in every day than to have to stay in hospital and at least they're keeping a close eye on you to make sure you and baby are well. Must be so frustrating though as I bet you can't plan anything and have to work everything around your appointments. Nightmare!
I'm 24 weeks now natalie :-) the last few weeks have flown! I felt the first kicks at 20 weeks. It's so reassuring to feel the baby move. My husband felt the baby kick at 22 weeks and was so excited! We've decided to wait until the birth to find out the sex. Surprise! although everyone's convinced I'm having a girl. Going by all the other birth announcements here on answerbank I wouldn't be surprised!!! I would love a girl but don't mind either way as long as he or she is healthy.
OMG can't believe I'm fianlly at the top of one of these lists!! One week to go - very exciting!
I'm doin my best to speed things up now - eating nothing without chilli or Pineapapple in it and even attempting a few of the 'activities' suggested by the MW yesterday!! ;-p
Hope everyone else is well and don't cheat coz it's my turn next, I've been waiting longest!! lol
K8, I nearly ate Tesco our of pineapple and chilli but babe was still 10days late! Oh, and we tryed the other thing too lol! Baby wanted none of it and wasn't ready to come out!
want2findout, you can never tell. Everyone was convinced I was having a boy, we'd even named him and then it turned out we had a little girl!!
Just back from the hospital and the latest they will let me go to is 37 weeks so i've got 9 weeks unless something happens before then and i skip the queue. Really fed up now.
k8bailey 4th June
Dakotas SIL - 17th June
Jacey - 19th June
tipsey - 17th August
daffy654's daughter - 24th July
HAPPYJOBO - 25th July
I Love Snow - 23rd August
want2findout - 17th September
niallsmama - 21st September
Littlemissxx - 24th October
aims - 28th October
Physicsgirl - 6th November
radiogaga - 17th December
lollyone - 31st December
k8bailey 4th June
Dakotas SIL - 17th June
Jacey - 19th June
tipsey - 17th August
daffy654's daughter - 24th July
HAPPYJOBO - 25th July
I Love Snow - 23rd August
want2findout - 17th September
niallsmama - 21st September
Littlemissxx - 24th October
aims - 28th October
Physicsgirl - 6th November
radiogaga - 17th December
lollyone - 31st December
apelila - 13th January
Yes I agree! My god is it your turn already?! that means that I'm next!!! Aaarghhhh! how are you feeling? You all set?
We're 32 weeks now. The last few weeks have flown and I just know the next few weeks will go even quicker! Hope to pack my hospital bag this weekend ... just in case!
All the best with everything if we don't hear from you before next Friday.
Hi All. Its Tipsey here - under a new name! Well, new ish!
I cancelled the old one - seeing as I have too many e mail accounts - looks like I been doing some online nesting too! Were on week 37 now - crazy! Cant believe how fast its gone. Had some BP problems - so the hospital has been a second home last few weeks. Everyone keeping a sharp eye on me! How os everyone else doing?? Were still well into the DIY here - Im determined to get this place half decent before he/she arrives. Oh my god, Im so excited!!!!!