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worried !

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Trixy_89 | 20:42 Thu 29th May 2008 | Pregnancy
6 Answers
okay, this is about to sound really bad but, i'm worried. I'm 99% sure my partners the father of this baby but his dad has said i'm trying to trap him and that the dates dont match up. Now his making me panic and think that the dates are wrong. I dont remember sleeping with anyone that long before my partner. i dont know exactly when my last period was but i'm sure it ended just before the 2nd of march. Since i've been with my partner i've had unprotected sex a few times when we first got together. Acording to my doctor i'm due round the 7th of december but i havn't been for my scan yet.... can anyone give any input. and yes i'm aware this is a dodgy question n i shouldn't be asking it.


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If you've only slept with your partner for a long time, then why are you 99% sure?
All you can do is say that he is the father, and have a word with his dad and say that this isn't fair on anyone, and that your boyfriend is the father.
Sounds to me as though your partner IS the dad, Trixy, but really, only you know the truth. If you slept with someone else around the time of meeting your current partner, then of course there's room for doubt, but you could always have a DNA test afterwards. however, it's expensive, and the person who brings your child up well is the real father, whatever the paternity results. I think what your partner's father's saying is horrible!
well i hate to sound so blunt on this one? But first of all dont have doubts you have nothing to worried about if youve only been sleeping with one guy.I would definatetly be concerned if its otherwise.Becareful because you dont want to hurt anyone cause at the end its you that will suffer.
Dont show them you have doubts prove them wrong ive been there before but my n laws were just being mean at the end they are very close to my kids now.
Awww...glad your story turned out OK apelila, but if a father in law 9so to speak0 of mine'd suggested that my child wasn't his son's, I doubt i'd ever speak to him again!!
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Thanks for the advice, i just wish i could remember when my last period was.
So did you sleep with anyone else around the time?

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worried !

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