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Thrombosed Hemorrhoid

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LittleMissxx | 09:21 Mon 13th Oct 2008 | Pregnancy
4 Answers
Has anyone suffered with this during pregnancy and if so, what was done about it ???


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ouch littlemiss, you poor thing. I had "farmers" with mine and used all the creams given. They took away the pain but it wasnt until after the birth that the piles actually went away.

what has your GP said?
Question Author
they sent me to surgical assessment @ the hospital. the said it needed to be operated on but couldnt because im pregnant, and that its too large to drain. they gave me cream but now the beast has become ulcerated and its so so painful. Ive had four days of best rest, have not seen my children cause my mum has had to look after them and im sooooo cheesed off. So docs say theres not alot they can do and i dont suppose it will go till the pressure of the baby does. Due on the 24th but dreading pushing a baby with this beast in the way. PS whats FARMERS
rhyming sland "farmer Giles" = piles :)

if they can operate whilst your pregnant then i hope that they go of their own accord after the birth.

I had no problems giving birth but mine werent as bad as yours by sound of it.

I hope that the get better soon
Question Author
me too, cheers.

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