Im 8 weeks pregnant and my full time job is office work but I also have a part time job working behind a bar. I dont change barrels etc but lift trays of glasses in & out of the glass washer and also packs of bottles to stock the fridges. Is this safe to carry on? Thanks
It is my understanding, that employers have to undertake a pregnancy risk assessment on all pregnant employees. Have a look at the Health and Safety executive web site, you may find more information there.
I was in the same predicament Ettelloc. I work in a gym and told my line manager at 8 weeks, that I was pregnant. He did a risk assessment and also another in my second trimester. I will have a final assessment in my third.
I therefore, have signed a document stating I cannot lift heavy weights or bend at the waist etc.
Thanks guys & Tamborine my question was "Is this safe to carry on?" No where in my post does it state im not prepared to do it if it's safe to carry on. No-one is being penalised from me asking aquestion in regards to safety. Again thanks to all others for you helpfull comments.