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he's here!!

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lady_miss_v | 16:10 Tue 09th Jun 2009 | Pregnancy
21 Answers
Reuben Samuel arrived May 20th, 6.46 am, weighing in at 7lb 3oz :o) He was a little earlier than expected (I'm convinced it was because I'd been out for a curry the day before I went into labour), but is happy and healthy and such a little munchkin.
Mr V & I are both SO happy that he's finally here!!


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lol squsalminney, yes he does - well worth it :o)
velvetee, it's funny you should mention sleep and rest - i remember what that used to be like. for the first couple of days i was SO tired; i kept myself awake with worrying, i think cos i was scared he would wake up and i wouldn't hear him. the past few nights haven't been so bad - i've been in bed for 8 just for a catnap. i'm still scared of him waking up when i'm asleep ( i could sleep through an earthquake), i put the moses basket next to the bed, and have the baby monitor tucked under my arm too.
is that extreme?!
he is absolutely amazing :o)

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