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8 months - 32 weeks yesterday!!!!!

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puma86 | 11:02 Mon 02nd Nov 2009 | Pregnancy
13 Answers

Sorry, very excited :o)


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It wont be long now, puma.
hope it all goes well kiddo xxxx
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Thank you

Didn't think I would look forward to pain quite so much as I am, lol
Is this your first?
you will be fine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
will drag on...... good luck x
Question Author
yep this is my first :o)

4get - alot of people keep telling me it will drag, but in all honestly its still flying by. I'm now only working half a day on weds and the usual &.12 hrs mon, tues, thurs and fri and just that one half day is making my week seem really short. Keep very busy on weekends still so fingers crossed it'll stay that way :o)

Although i guess when i get huge and cant do as much it will drag lol
Question Author
I meant 7.12hrs
Good luck Puma! These next few weeks will fly by and before you know it you will have a bouncing baby x
Question Author
stop it - you're making me more excited!!!!

Hi I am just a week behind you! Mine is the 2nd one though. Can't quite believe that in 9 weeks I may be giving birth either. By the way you are 7 months not 8!
Its sooo exciting isn't it?? I've got 9 days til my c-section - am both terrified and bursting with joy at the same time. - not good with a pelvic floor like mine ;-)

Best of luck to you both - am sure we'll all be asking lots of baby questions very soon (even though it is my second) xx
I'll have to stop reading the replies to this question - it's making me broody! (& I've got 5 children!)

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8 months - 32 weeks yesterday!!!!!

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