I drove into the back of a ladies car this morning.
We were on a roundabout and she was going to pull out then seemed to change her mind and slammed her brakes on, I carried on into the back of her. I feel ok, lil shakey, and small man is moving about but should I get checked just to be on the safe side?
Thought i'd get some opinions as I dont want to waste the hospital staff's time.
Nope no pain and he seems to be active as he normally is this morning.
call your midwife or the maternity ward for further advice.
I fell over, straight onto my front when i was 41+5, i was so heavily pregnant that i had to call for someone to help me get up, but baby was happy as larry and still didnt want to be born lol
If it was only a small shunt....and you feel ok now....baby active etc......no pain anywhere, think you'll be fine, BUT it would'nt hurt to get advice, as and when, you're MW gets back to you, my lovely, just to be on the safe side.
Hope you've recovered now.....have a cuppa...feet up!.....:0)