I was due on my period yesterday and aside from some light brown discharge nothing really happened. When i got home from work i was so tired i fell asleep for two hours.
Then today i woke up feeling very sick but went to work anyway. Still only a small amount of brown, didn't even need a new tampon. An hour after being at work I had to come home again as i felt so spaced and nauseous and ive now slept for 4 hours this afternoon.
The few days prior to my due period my breasts have been so painful i couldn't even bare the shower on them. Their not quite so bad now, and i have no period pains which i normally suffer badly with. I am also feeling very very thirsty and feel like i need an ice cold drink.
I have a feeling i know what this means, but I do have a habit of reading too much into these things. Can anyone advise?
I should mention i am not on the pill anymore after coming off of it in May last year after being on it for 10 years.
sounds like you are, and although you have taken steps to avoid it ie condoms and withdrawel methods, in particular the withdrawel method is not reliable as most men, if not all men, secrete sperm before they actually ejaculate and can cause pregnancy. all the best xx
If this is not a wind-up,I despair! Can you honestly blame the lack of sex education these days? You have admitted to unprotected sex and you have ALL the symptoms of pregnancy.What do you want us to say? Do the test or just make your first appointment with the doctor to save money.