I took a clear blue digital on Saturday morning 1st pee of the day it was positive then I did one today 2 days later about 6th pee of the day and it was negative! I'm sad but do you think its just because I'd peed a lot today?! I've got a doctors appointment tomorrow xx
Yes I've been trying since September, my last period was the 20th of January I'm almost 2 weeks late, I thought if you took a test in the early stages after u had peed a lot it meant ur pee was less concentrated and may give a false result?
yes it does say that it is best to take in morning and also more likely it was false negative than a false positive, bu give it another week and take test first thing in morning xx
No it was a pregnant or not pregnant digital one so there wasn't a line maybe that would have been a better option! Thanks for all the wishes, I will let you all know x