What's the difference between ... in The AnswerBank: Family & Relationships
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What's the difference between ...

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sherrardk | 22:41 Wed 07th Sep 2011 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers
... An optician and an opthoptic (sp)? We're off to see one tomorrow (thing #1 'failed her year three assessment (twice) because she didn't want to do the test). Thanks. (PS - she won't cooperate tomorrow either.)
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Ophthalmologists also perform sugery or arranges surgery. When she sees one they will do different tests on her. Is this at the hospital?

How do you mean she failed because she wouldn't do it?
Mini Boo wears glasses, at her final test, it was at the hospital where they shone a light into her eyes. I think by then, they'll know whether she genuinely can't see or is being stubborn.

As for what the difference between the two is, no idea, sorry.
I have a friend whose child deliberately gave wrong answers because he was bored with the tests.... not helpful, LOL
orthoptics are appliances for (for example) straightening up a limp aren't they??
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We have to go back and try again in December because she wouldn't put the sunglasses on (to test each eye separately)!

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