My new grandaughter was born weighing just over 6lb in April. She got weighed today and is just over 11lb. Isnt that a lot - to have almost doubled her weight in just over 8 weeks?
i still can't find my red book. However, it's not unusual (i hope) for babies to skip centiles too - for example my 11 week old was on the 12th centile for weight, then put on 1 pound in 10 days and skipped to the 25th!
Also, if they are weighed just after they are fed, or if they havent had a poo, it can seem more and because it's such little amounts, it seems a lot
Shes between her 50th and 70th centinile line so bang on for birth weight and growth sounds a lovely little thing. I just checked my little ones red book had it to hand for a change.