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How Can I Tell Someone Nicely To Stop Using My Acount

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computer14 | 16:28 Fri 05th Jul 2013 | Family & Relationships
61 Answers
this what their do their log into my acount and like their own posts and she also talks to their ask and pretends to be me! And when i asked her if i can talk to my ex friend she said no. i am done letting her use my acount. how can i tell her nicely to stop using it


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I'm sure your God would want you to be happy and safe from people who make you miserable.

Block her. It's not mean, it's assertive.
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Hi if i unfriened her what would god do about it
It's not mean detour- using someone's account is mean. Change your password. By all means tell her and say you won't be sharing it again as she took advantage
Well, if you value her friendship generally and you willingly let her go on your facebook and openly gave her your password then blocking may seem a bit harsh (depending on what she has been doing on there and if you have previously asked her to stop and she hasn't).
Obviously a wind-up.
If you don't tell god your password, he can't do anything.
Eve, I thought she was an ex-friend, but I may have misread that.

computer14, your God won't care if you've blocked someone in FB.
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Hi i have not asked her to stop
what she does it she log in to my acount and pretend to be me she writes comments with my acount and likes her own post
Well, she can't do that anymore as you have changed your password.

Stop worrying about it.
Maybe I misread! I though that there was a previous post on this.

I thought computer was saying that her friend is talking to an ex friend (the friend's ex friend) via computer's facebook.

Computer wants to speak to computer's ex friend through computer's friend (the friend who is using computer's facebook)'s facebook but computer's friend will not let computer do this which seems unfair so computer doesn't want to let her friend use her facebook any more.

I think!
is she a member of the mormon tabernacle choir?
OMG is this for real, how does one manage serious decisions ???
I'd have thought God would probably rather that you don't assist you friend in committing deceit.
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thats correct and i want to know if i should unfriened her but what wolud think if i unfriened her
Change password first. If she gets funny about it, unfriend her too
OK, before my brain melts...

If you no longer want her as a friend on FB, then unfriend her. It will not mean you are a bad person.

Your God will not care what you do on a social network.
Pizza, if you have a read back through some of computer's previous questions I think she struggles with social situations. Sorry for talking about you computer, just want people to understand you better to help you.

Found the other post:

Thought I'd seen you post about it before.

Do you want to defriend her or feel like you should if she has misused your friendship or because people on here are saying you should?
MMM eve according to her profile she's a he ? but I do sympathise with anyone struggling.
Sorry, he then. My error though, not computer's.
This isn't as much about passwords as a cry for help and I dont mean with this situation! Whilst I don't understand your state of mind I do know that coming onto a public forum and offloading all this is not a good idea.

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