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Can You Teach Children Too Much Too Early?

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ukanonymous | 08:07 Fri 22nd Jan 2016 | Family & Relationships
61 Answers
I was babysitting the other night and I taught my 6 yr old nephew his 2-5 times table and taught him how to do basic algebra. He seamed to enjoy it anyway but my sister wasn't happy as she thinks learning too much at an early stage is bad for development as they will not listen at school. I guess they are her kids but I don't agree. What do you think?


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never too young to start..I was reading The Scotsman before I started school and was put up a year..skipping all the baby Tom and Ann stuff !!
That's a lot of learning for one night. I could do with help with algebra if you're free.
All children / people learn at different rates.

Some people are so clever they go to university at a young age (Lord Kelvin studied at university at 10, though his father did work there which helped).

The trouble is if you teach all children at the same rate the clever ones are held back, the not so clever ones are stretched.

This is why i don't like large schools or large classes.

I went to a large comprehensive in the 1960s that had 2000 children and I can honestly say I was totally "lost" in the system so did badly at school. In a smaller school I may have had more personal help and support

If this child is clever then you need to stretch their mind or they will get bored at school.
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well I heard he comes last when doing tasks in class. Im not sure why really but he seams clever. I have a plan to teach him how to code early you see. But seams like his mum wants him to just be a normal kid who is behind in class.
Crazy really. But hey not my call :)
A few spelling lessons might help him somewhat??

Just sayin'....
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Sure well I was teaching him syllables etc also and how to structure words.. But I have to stop now..
I find it hard to believe lol
I wish I learned that when I was young so i was actually good at school etc
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If a child is able, then teach them as soon as possible. The dumbing down and levelling of the education system to suite the slower and less able children does not help them, and switches off the brighter kids through sheer boredom.
Next time you babysit, just read a story with him. Don't confuse him with binary code!
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he enjoyed it Tilly... thats the thing..
I even bought him a book of Awesomeness that I promised will make him a super brainy person.. He kept asking for it..
But hey probably a story is better or pepper pig or something :)
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Its just a book with AWESOMENESS written on the front lol
With lots of rubbed out pencil inside :)
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I think encourage them to learn as early as possible. But ensure a balance, don't push if it isn't being enjoyable for them, and ensure plenty of social interaction/play too so they have the best chance to develop a well rounded personality.
You were right to communicate with nephew as invited. The communication led to maths of which the nephew was unaware as he was not in school. There is no difference in singing 5x5 table and 3 blind mice, both are merely songs. Your nephew has a bond with you that his mother should appreciate.

Can you sit my gkids & shift their focus from egames?
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tamborine Well actually I have told him that if he kicks ass at work with me he will be able to make his own games and he is excited by that :)
Yep,....whooooosh from me also.....;)

x x

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