I'm all my 90-year old friend has, poor woman (!), and she has taken out a pre-paid funeral plan which covers most things other than flowers and a bit-of-a-do afterwards. If her money isn't available immediately after her death and I have to pay for these items how could I claim it back?
are you saying there will be money in her estate for these things or that she will not leave any money to pay for them? If you are all she has, then has she made a will and are you her executor?
You will need to speak to the Executor of the Will, the cost of any refreshments provided afterwards is usually paid from the Estate, and they will need to be given the invoice to pay. I am not sure what expense there would be for flowers, as most mourners send flowers at their own cost. It is not unusual these days to have a funeral without flowers and requests made for voluntary donations to charity.