One of my best friend is depressed, but she won't tell me what’s wrong.
It must be serious.
She’s not ill, and it’s not about her family. It’s something with her.
My guesses:
1, she cheated her husband
2, she got pregnant and she had had a miscarriage or she still pregnant but she will abort the pregnancy
I really don't think you should be making wild guesses....if she wants you to know she will tell you...I would not think that a person making up stories in her head about why I was depressed would actually be a real friend..the next thing will be talking to others about these made up stories. If you are a real friend then you will be there to support her and wait for...
I know my guesses are dark, but before this she told me everything.
The other thing i forgot to mention she told me she will never tell this to her husband.
Agree with divebuddy, how can we guess?
I assume you mean she is unusually withdrawn and clearly worrying about something? That in itself doesn't make her 'depressed'
What i would like to ask what is the usual things that can cause this. For any other person.
- something is happened because it happened very fast
- she don't want to tell it for her husband.
- it must be serious because she usually tell me eveything.
- its something with her, not family.
I really don't think you should be making wild guesses....if she wants you to know she will tell you...I would not think that a person making up stories in her head about why I was depressed would actually be a real friend..the next thing will be talking to others about these made up stories. If you are a real friend then you will be there to support her and wait for her to tell you...of course she may never want you to know...we are entitled to secrets.... stop this does not seem to be the act of a friend to me.
She crying alone.
She has bad mood the whole week, she don't really want to do anything.
She told me about the thing but she hide it from everybody else, like nothing happened.
I'm a little bit angry for her, because she told me about that something is on, but left me in doubt.