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Is This Lady In A Mood With Me?

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abbeylee90 | 08:31 Mon 18th Dec 2023 | Family & Relationships
56 Answers

I work with this lady and she been in abit funny not her usual self with me like she sees walking to work and doesn't say anything or beep like she use to. I don't if it because I had to leave this event early 



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Abbey,you worry too much about such things. She probably got out of bed the wrong side ! Have a good day at work 
08:37 Mon 18th Dec 2023
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Been sent home as I was being too slow can't lift my arm as I fell down stairs yesterday 

Abbey, what an unfortunate life you have....

Abbey, have you had your arm checked by a doctor?

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I'm going to dr Wednesday anyway so if it no better I'll get them to look

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Red until I get a new job

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Sorry nevra 


Might it be an idea to go to A & E in the meantime?

A few month ago one of the staff at the chemist telt me she had injured her arm about a month before and had only just found out it had been fractured so her arm was now in a support.

Floko- thanks for your comment, but I haven't said anything on A B today and certainly not on this thread.

NAM I do apologise but it was really said in a jokey manner. Slap on my wrist. 


Sorry to hear you fell downstairs, Abbey, and hope you haven't broken anything - were you helping Mum at the time?  I wouldn't trouble about the woman you mention - maybe other things on her mind?

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Ok thank you and no one I was coming to get something to eat.

I'm at what Floko? I was actually advising that she checks before she posts.  It would make things better for Abbey. I should do that myself too :0/ Nothing I wrote was rude or harsh. Abbey doesn't need to be wrapped up in cotton wool.  That will do nothing for her confidence.

Sorry about your fall Abbey.  

Dear Countrylover

I am apt to find something funny where others do not. I never thought you were being rude at all. There was a laugh emoji at the end of my comment. 

Please forgive this old boy. 



This very old gal forgives you Floko.  

Abbey --Do you write all your own threads or do you have help sometimes?

Have you considered introducing her to hi-viz man? Maybe they'd like to compare notes.

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Douglas I do 

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