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How Do I Tell My Mum This?

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abbeylee90 | 18:21 Tue 27th Feb 2024 | Family & Relationships
74 Answers

Just I can't afford to pay back what I owe so what do I do and how I do tell her?


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But you are lying to her .

Abbey, you don't want to 'fall out with her while we're getting on' - but you're maybe only 'getting on' because you have never told your mum any of the dross! I know I would hate it when I realised - as your mum's bound to at some point- that my daughter had been feeding me all sorts of stories, missing out big and important events and changes.

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That because we might fall out if I told her the truth. If I told her abour them cutting my hours what the reason I tell her why they did?

Just tell the truth .

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That they thought it was to much for me

Abbey, there comes a point when only the truth will do! You have obviously avoided telling your mum about all the disasters at work/in your various jobs - and now you're in major financial difficulties. How do you think things are going to be resolved? What will make your financial situation change? 

What would you do if you lost the laundry job and were completely out of work for a few months? Would you need to tell your mum then? 

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Well she said the care home was perfect for me when I went to HB. 

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Karamia I don't what I would say

Abbey, you weren't doing wonderfully well before the care home fiasco, nor did you bounce back from that. You fell into the cleaning job which didn't work out, and are now stuck with 16/17 hours in a laundry job that you don't enjoy. 

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No but she said that partly coz it on my doorstep and was Monday to Friday 

Abbey, maybe your mum did think the care home was 'perfect' for you - but she wasn't the one paying your wages. Maybe if you'd got advice from her then, you might have ended up being capable of doing the job, not someone who needed their hours drastically reduced. 

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But what could I do once they reduced my hours? I tried they hired someone else

Abbey you have not done anything on purpose to lose any of these jobs. It really is that the work is too much for you to cope with. Probably due to undiagnosed conditions you still haven't checked out. You can't force a square peg into a round hole. You make it sound like your mum will blame you for doing something bad to lose the hours or to lose the jobs. It is not something you could control. You just not been cut out fir them or needed more support which wasn't given.

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They said they had given me enough training and adamant they weren't giving me hours back. She was mad with me last time I lost my job.

Abbey, when the care home job didn't work out, I really thought you'd have been determined to make a go of the next one. That was another cleaning job, something you said you liked... and within a very short time, it was obvious that it too wasn't a good match for you. It really is hard to come up with suggestions when there have been so many ... setbacks.

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Same the option is warehouse 

Abbey, it'd be great if the warehouse job did work out well - ie that you could do it, you enjoyed it and settled in quickly. It's maybe not a good idea to pin ALL your hopes on that - as you know, things don't always go the way we'd like. It's maybe better to have several options lined up, several things to explore...

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I have retail as another option 

I don't follow these threads from the OP.

However it does appear that the numerous questions asked are of a similar nature .

Is there any evidence that she is taking note and acting on  the various  advices ?

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