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Why Is He Still Messaging Me?

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abbeylee90 | 21:28 Tue 21st May 2024 | Family & Relationships
60 Answers

The bearded I been on about that I went on 2 dates with I blocked on WhatsApp as not interested but last night he txt after weeks of sending me his last WhatsApp message. I just thought he would move on by now.



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Try to get Gulliver involved in this ...... he'll be looking for something to do after July 4th.

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Haven't arranged a date yet. 

Hopefully nothing bad happens.

Abbey, maybe it'll be... what, fifth or sixth time lucky? If this latest one goes anywhere, can you give him a name (even just Macho Man or Stones Fan) or something so that we can keep up? The posts where you say 'he hasn't said...' were confusing at times - there was bearded guy, there was sleepover guy, there was the old guy from the dogs' home...

Tell us about him, age, work, is he local etc.

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It really early bit brunch guy for now

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Yes he is 38 and work for socail service 

Abbey - I'm sorry but I really cannot translate and understand your last post.  Please revert to your best English in order that others may understand what you are trying to say. 

^^^ OK Last but one.

Thanks, Abbey.  Hope all goes well with this one. 😊

Have you been for brunch with brunch guy yet or is a brunch meet up planned?

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Given it to me as a suggestion 

Abbey ...... are you from cardiff?


..... or even Cardiff.

You hoping for a date, Teacher?

You from Cardiff too barry1010?  ..... threesome ! lol

My wife won't let me 

Does new brunch guy have any kids? 

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Given it to me as a suggestion

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Kara no

"why is he still messaging me?"

Why are you still messaging us?  You never seem to act on the copious amount of advice given.

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