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Is This Guy A Waste Of Space?

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abbeylee90 | 18:52 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
175 Answers

This guy I been chatting on snapchat who I met on dating app. He wanted to meet last Saturday but said didn't feel well and tbh I was tired. He said we will rearrange which I was fine with but I haven't heard since.



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Abbey, why don't you join in with some of the other posts for a change? Get to know people.
21:26 Tue 03rd Sep 2024

Ok.  Have a nice time.

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See how I feel tho as I'm really tired and just want to concentrate getting a new job.

Tell him no then.  Don't mess him about.

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Half the time he don't ge back to me on the day

For goodness sake dump him Abbey, he most certainly is a waste of space IMHO.

Abbey, you got irritated and annoyed before when guys didn't reply to you as quickly as you'd like or as often as you wanted. Would you be able to put up with this guy 'not always getting back to me on the day'? If you can put up with that fine... but if it's likely to bother you, there's maybe no point in trying to start a 'relationship'.

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Mean not reading message or not keep me up to date

Up to date with what?

Yes, I know - but only YOU can know how important an issue it is...

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What going on

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Is it weird he won't eat out?

Abbey, I couldn't go out with someone who wouldn't 'eat out', but everyone is different. I also couldn't go out with someone who needed to ask strangers if red socks would be better than blue or what side they should part their hair on... all sorts of fandom things can rule people out!

Abbey, ditch them all and start again.

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He said we eat before we go out

Does he mean eating at his place ? Are you OK with doing that ? And where will you go after ? 


Maybe he can't afford to eat out and pay for you

I'd expect a police officer to be able to afford to eat out once in a while, even if it's just a pizza

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He doesn't like to he said but yes couple of weeks ago I was out with friends he asked me if I wanted to chill at his.

Ah, as in Netflix and Chill?

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I guess so asked what I was wearing.

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