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My Mum Got Angry With Me Because I Don't Like A Certain Food

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Treacle71 | 22:43 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Family & Relationships
7 Answers

I was screamed at for being selfish! We were going to have a certain dish together but I can't stand one key ingredient in this particular dish. I find it inedible, but mum said I'm being totally selfish as, she'll eat things she doesn't like to please me. She said she hates me and can't even hug me and can't stand being around me.

Surely if I don't like the taste of something I should be 'allowed' to dismiss it?



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Cook what you don't like seperately then add it to her portion and not yours. My daughter and granddaughter are vegan, my grandson son and I are not. We all eat the same veggies, they add what they want and we add meat
23:29 Tue 17th Sep 2024

I think at 53 years old you should be capable of making your own decisions.

Do you live with your mother in her house?

Question Author

Yes, I do DDIL. It's good financially, currently.

If she makes you feel bad you should leave home.  She sounds like a total nightmare.  

Treacle, just get away. 

Cook what you don't like seperately then add it to her portion and not yours. My daughter and granddaughter are vegan, my grandson son and I are not. We all eat the same veggies, they add what they want and we add meat

At 53 you should be paying rent, never mind it suits you financially living with your mother.  Reading between the lines, it is time you left home for both your sakes.

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Thank you everyone xx

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My Mum Got Angry With Me Because I Don't Like A Certain Food

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