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Is It Normal To Be Like This?

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abbeylee90 | 13:22 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
26 Answers

This guy I been seeing on and off said about going to his today but he lives quite far now I can't be bothered and I think I'll be same with the other guy I mentioned on here who is a police officer he has said he wants to meet Monday I reckon come the day I'll not want to be bothered.



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One may ask what is normal?

Abbey, I'm sure I speak for many here when I say I truly cannot keep up with your posts and your life, and I don't mean that horribly at all. As far as I was aware you weren't seeing anyone, as you kept saying about looking for a boyfriend etc but you just said here that youve been seeing a guy on and off. Where he's appeared from god knows! And if you were seeing him why were you chatting with the police officer guy? And if you can't be bothered to see either of them...... well then you don't want a boyfriend then do you. Off for a lie down before I get any more confused!

Well if you can't be bothered don't go, just have the common courtesy to let them both know so they can arrange something else.

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Coz I haven't seem the one and off for a while that why I haven't mentioned him. 

The police man asked to go back to his after a night out but now go for a coffee.

This is really a "latest news on my boyfriends" thread, so I can't be bothered either. Is that normal?

This is going to end well for sure.

But not for a while yet, so many avenues to explore if you're of a mind.

If you can't be bothered you obviously aren't keen on either of them so tell them no - permanently.

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It just going all the way up to the one I been on and off seeing.

Next question- how do I tell them I'm not interested?

Now THAT'S a poser right enough.

I wondered when "guys" subject would appear again after Selco, friends, etc?  If you can't be bothered, then don't bother - simple 😊

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DIDL Already before to one of the others.

If a guy says "come back to mine just for a coffee ?  That is a NO unless you are up for something else other than coffee  😳

Abbey, please include words like IS and HAVE in your posts to make them easier to follow.

When you say you "It [IS] just going all the way up to the one I [HAVE} been on and off seeing", how far away is it.  And what do you mean by "seeing on and off"- how often is 'on and off' and do you mean meeting or just messaging?

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Not his in town other guy asked me to his

Is that what you meant to type? Punctuation would help? Which  'HIS' is which?

For you it seems to be normal. It is a reflection on your life that we see with your questions on here. You seem to have problems with making decisions in all aspects of your life. Your questions are very repetative and you seem to disregard all the advice you are given. Try to sort things out for yourself and let us know what you have decided

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The one I been on and off with asked to his today other asked me to go for a coffee on Monday.

If you really liked either of them you would want to see them.  

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