Remember The Zx Spectrum..... in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Remember The Zx Spectrum.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:26 Sun 01st Dec 2024 | Technology
21 Answers



my first ever puter! great memories, used to go into dept stores and write a quick program that scrolled rude words across the screen!


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I got the first Sinclair (the one prior to the Spectrum).


zx81?  you could buy a memory upgrade, taking it from 1k to 16k iirc!

manic miner!

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19:00 ...and the..ZX80 was before that, both defaulted to 1k ram!

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I had a spectrum but I really wished I could afford the BBC then the archimedes!

Mine was the ZX80. I was able to archive my song lyrics, and then write Basic prog to enable heat-loss calcs and CH design basics.

TTT must have been a kid when I started.

I remember them. Used to fix them back in the day. Power faults mainly, dry joints or a certain transistor that used to have a short. Also had the Commadore 64s on the old bench. Again power supply faults or a programmable chip that used to cause all sorts of weird effects. Nightmare to change as it had about 30 pins. It was easy to ruin the new chip by overheating it or mishandling if you had a static charge built up in your hands. This was common when you were handling electronics all day.  

Bought my eldest dughter one and a smll portable tv for her 11th or 12th Christmas, plus a few games including Robocop- which i became very proficient at😊.Daughter loved Percy the Pigeon.

There was a manual came with it and, by following a few simple instructions, i made a ball bounce across the screen. Very proud of myself, i was. I remember wishing they had been invented when i was 11 or 12 - i'm sure i would have got deeper into computing. 

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I remember the magazines that used to contain 6502 machine code game programs in hex codes. You had to spend hours typing them in as a simple basic program as data and run it to jump into the code, amazing. Fun fact, modern machine code in android has its ancestry in 6502.

^ Gosh, that must have been ever so exciting!

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I`m not sure which 'mod' deleted TTT's reply to my comment.  I saw it and it didn't bother me.  Maybe it's time to stop being offended on behalf of others?

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20:15 why do you feel the need to troll this thread with your sarcasm? This is in tech, just ignore if it's too much.

^ I think you are missing my point

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19:59 was not sarcasm?

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so it was sarcasm?

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19:59 why do you feel the need to troll this thread with your sarcasm? This is in tech, just ignore if it's too much.

237SJ - I removed TTT's post because - 

1. ...users should moderate their language and refrain from personal attacks and profanity. We encourage lively debate but name-calling, harassment or abuse will not be tolerated.

I wasn't "offended on your behalf" - we Mods just try our best to make sure Site Rules are observed.

Repeating the removed comment really doesn't help, so that's gone as well.  Please, no more, stick to the topic of the thread.

I got the original ZX80 too - a very flimsy plastic cover and membrane keyboard. At a later date (finances allowing), I got the RAM pack which used to wobble when it was plugged in, thus ruining any work you were doing with it. No separate video memory then either, when something had to appear on the screen, it went black while the `PC` did its calculations. Happy days...

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