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you see the thing is:
both of your replies are completely literate, im thinking that the more, how do i put this, the more "informed" people, will see that their children are brought up and eat food that isnt complete junk, feeding good food to kids is just part of good parenting by good well educated people
on the other hand, i just watched a news program where a 12 year old girl said "i dont like eating healthy food, i prefer chocolate and sweets and crisps",
hmm, maybe im reading too much into this..
i cant write what i want to, itll just get taken straight back off later..
but i really dont know what to make of it all anymore..
about 2 or 3 years ago i read an artical in a magazine about a 14 year old girl, this girl was fat, really really really fat.. and it wasnt a "medical condition" her mums quote in the magazine was something like " ive tried to feed her healthy food, but she wont eat it, and then after not eating her dinner she just raids the chocolate cupboard"
well, call me old fashioned, (although im only 24) when i was a kid, we didnt have a "chocolate cupboard" and if i was the same size and shape as a frikkin elephant my parents would have FORCED me to eat proper food and move about a bit more..
i just wondered where and when this mis-information came into play... parents are fully responsible for their kids, so why the hell arent they made to enforce good eating behaviour???