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fairkatrina | 22:07 Sun 11th Nov 2007 | Family & Relationships
40 Answers
How would you describe your parents in 1 word? (seperately or together). How do you think the way they raised you has affected your life?


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Mum - confused
Dad - meglomaniac (deceased)

My father's attitude to me has had a direct effect on my relationship with my children - i have made sure they love me as much as I hated him. It worked!
Crap. taught me nothing, gave me nothing

brought up by a single mum who did all the hard work, she made mistakes but has always been there for us and loved us unconditionally. dad we saw occasionally and got to do fun things with him.
been through bad times but very happy now
I do my best not to make the same mistakes my parents did in raising my son and i am doing a good job i think!
Both wonderful.

I am surprised that so many posters arent able to say the same. Perhaps I am more lucky than I had realised by having loving and caring parents.
I can't bring myself to say bad things about them individually as they're my parents, but suffice to say that one has made me want to be the total opposite of who they are i.e. bitter, manipulative, self-pitying, controlling and 1000 other things (including determined, strong willed and fiercely independant). The other is kind, caring, emotional, loving and supportive (if also a walkover who needs to stand up for themselves and get some drive and self-belief) .

They both made me who I am and I don't think I'm that bad. I love 'em both so, so much in their own seperate ways, just bl00dy glad they're divorced :-)
That was a lot more than one word. Ooops.

My word is influencial. That's them as a pair :-)
Mum - Matriarch
Dad - Eccentric

Together they didn't work and divorced about 30 years ago. Apart, we four children have had the best of both of them.

Mum has made me an optimist, spontaneous and capable. I share Dad's evil sense of humour and a pathological hatred of small-minded, bossy or unfair people. (I wish I had his charm and confidence, but I think my brother got it all! )

They're both amazing people and yet I'm glad they're not together. I've got two great step-parents out of it, too!
Amazing, my best mates in the whole World, I idolise them,x
Both were loving!
Hi cruella, lost my Dad at sixteen, he in reflection wasnt all that, my mum so so so distant! with some family not me but drives me crazy
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wow the weird and wonderful world of parenting! it seems a shame more people don't have positive things to say, but I suppose if you can't criticise your parents who can you criticise?
Mother - difficult
Father - Liberal (deceased :o( )
mother - bully
dad - bully

no-one bullies me now! i always think how lucky was I 2 crap parents with luck like that I should do the lottery. But thanks for the question the reponses from others ABers has made me feel pretty normal 'cheers'. x

Both very good parents with love and caring
Mum - Special
Dad - amazing

My mum and dad would give there last penny to me and my sister we always come first even now we are in our 20's & 30's they are the first people i turn to !!!
Mother- Alcoholic
Father- Abroad
Both : Wonderful. (I miss them terribly, even now. They dies 20 years ago)

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