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Venebles and Thomson

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stevie1time | 23:31 Thu 14th Feb 2008 | Family & Relationships
44 Answers
I have found out from a senior representative of the Ulster Constabulary...Jamie Bulger's murderers are living a life in Ireland...In fact i know the town...Myself and about 15 of my friends at some point...could be tomorrow,next month,next year maybe even 3 years from now...are going to dish out some JUSTICE....I canno comment for my mates..but personally....i am going to make them feel how a 3 year old child who knows nothing but love would feel if there was 2 boys torturing him to death...Folks...remember,we have children,we have family who have children...Now Think....Jamie was a baby,who died a horrible death....Justice please....


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ahhh god ... its all begining to make sense now
Stevie, the law in the UK is that you must not issue threats of violence online. I recgnise that yu have strong feelings but I cannot condone your using this forum as a means of threatening violence, to whoever whenever.
Sadly, there are these "vigilante" types who are just as sick in the head as the people they say that they want to punish.

The sooner they are all locked up together the better.
religious nutter. "god" has apparently told him it's ok, when he dictated the bible from his cloud in heaven. No point trying to make any sense of that then
Whilst I can understand the hatred levelled at these two what I just can't understand is why these two people are considered to be more evil than just about any other child killer except than Ian Huntley. In discussions about them on here rarely does anyone ever mention the fact that they were 10 year old children (they must have been only just over the age of criminal responsibilty unless the age has changed since) who had had a siginificantly grim upbringing.

They have served their time as decreed by the laws of this country and now pose little threat to society. Just move on.
how do we know you are not one of them?
I'm with meglet on this one. Read this;
I agree with you bednobs, if stevie1time was to do what he said then he would in my eyes been even worse than those two young boys, because he is an adult, and then someone would want to do the same to him and so on.
I know what they did was horrific but they were children, do any of us actually know what their lives were like before they did it? i doubt very much they had a loving, warm, happy secure home and i suspect they had either experienced violence or other form of abuse against them or witnessed extreme violence from adults in their short lives before doing it. Children who experience severe neglect or abuse in their early years, their brains do not actually develop normally, the first 3 years is the most important.
They served their time, and it was long enough in my eyes. If they came out of prison changed and better human beings then that is a good thing. they maybe just like most of us, loving, caring people maybe even dads themselves. If they are then the life sentence is in their heads forever, it will never leave them and that is punishment enough.

We will never know what it feels like to be the parents, i think if it were my son whom this happened to i would not have survived the pain of loosing him in that way.
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Clap clap clap...the world is full of do gooders with plenty to talk about but nothing to say......I live an honest hard working life,i love and adore my kids,they are all and everything to moi..Each day is special because each day is different,their smiles brighten even the darkest days...If someone took that from myself,because of their own twisted pathetic heartless emotionless sad existence.....Then yep, i would become a killer just as they are...BUT i would have meaningless pointless Justice and Retribution,because killing the killer wouldnt make anything any easier,but i am sure it would help.....Justice...Jamie but a lifelong memory of happiness and joy to his family in his short life....His killers, well .....How can a victims parents rest,knowing that the people that destroyed their life, has a life....knowing they was dead aswell would bring some solace im sure...
Stevie - I agree with you.
who would it "help"?
It wouldn't help you because you would be in prison
it wouldn't help your kids to know their dad is a sick twisted murderer who destryoed other people's lives. How much joy would they have in their lives knowing their dad was capable of that. But hey everyone, it's ok because god said it was!
I know how you feel stevie, I feel that those two monsters, like lots of others, have never served a proper or long enough sentence for what they did. And I can't believe that some people actually said "Well, they were only 10...." as if that made it ok !
I will never forget seeing the pain on Jamie's mum's face. My heart bled for her.
I think it would have been his 18th in the next few weeks.
These are indeed strange times we live in.

I have no idea what the correct, right or whatever solution was to deal with these two.

Maybe they were just the product of a corrupt age.

Would killing them now do anything constructive.

Their crimes were heinous in the extreme. I wish them dead, but would I assist ?
At the time it said that they came from awful families on a horrible estate and that they were always in trouble but that's no excuse.
They must have thought all their birthdays had come at once because in prison they had everything, all the latest games consoles etc. Then they were given new names............and houses.......and protection. Why ??
Why are these people given more rights than their victims ?
I think if there was severe punishmentit would deter more people from committing all these awful crimes but sadly they know that their 'rights' come first.
I remember reading an article about them last year and it said that one of them was in a very abusive gay relationship and the other had a baby but was a horrible abusive father to it and beat his girlfriend black and blue.
Not sure if it's true or not though. Probably is...
I tend to agree with you Jillius. What the heck went wrong with the thinking processes of these two ???

It will happen again.
Very dark issues here. Do we scan foetus's at birth and terminate those with demonic tendencies.

Sorry to be dour but I have no idea what the answer is.

Every day in paper someone is kicked, stabbed or beaten to death.

Do we just have to accept this as the norm.
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I feel honestly that they should have been put to sleep.

It would have put a full stop on their particular episode.

It would not have solved the problem but would have brought closure for James parents.
Well said Invisible !!

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