that all my kids can enjoy together? They all need to go somewhere, maybe once a week, preferebly without us, so that they "bond" a bit too. They desperately need to get rid of some energy! I'm thinking karate or similar, but then a friend said it's very expensive. They are 4, 7 and 14 cheers x
If they were to do karate they would be put into different groups because of their ages so no bonding there. Your 4 year old will no doubt have to be accompanied in quite a lot of activities, but couldn't you take them along to the local swimming pool? Everyone has fun there and they'll really be tired after a couple of hours. On top of that it's cheap!
yeah, it's a good idea butterlies, but it's also hard work for me. Getting their stuff together and sorting the littlies out etc. Also, i have to go with them and so i too am dead tired!
I hope I don't sound lazy!
It's just that the eldest and middle one argue like mad when we're all together, so I thought they would be made to behave if someone else in charge! D'ya know what I mean?
Another suggestion. Do they have an aunt or uncle or grandparents who would like to take them somewhere such as the pool or a park (I know maybe too babyish for the 14 year old-but they do still like acting like kids!).
Another suggestion is a drama group, children tend to bond here between themselves.