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Greasy wops

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brionon | 14:52 Sat 14th Jun 2008 | News
14 Answers
A leading Conservative Welsh assembly member has likened Italians to 'Greast Wops'. Mr. Alun Cairns helping to spread the Tory image of Racist idiots.


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goodness, what century did he spring from? Yes, this sort of idiot is the last thing Cameron needs.
Likened to. Bit odd as this term was used often to dicribe italians.
But that aside he's not helping what has already been a pretty bad week for old Dave Cameron.
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Well t/lil. My wife is Italian and NO one will say this about her in my prescence,unless he wants to lose his teeth.
I was born and bred in the UK.

When I went to Australia I was constantly called a "POM"

When I went to the USA I was constantly called a " LIMEY"

When I went to Scotland I was called " A SOUTHERN *******"

The point I am making is this : People can say what they want about anybody else, but if you let it upset you then they have won.

Take these comments as a duck takes to water, and don't let it get you down.

Who really cares if some snooty MP shows his ignorance by making childish comments.

I am sure all the Italians living in Wales will make there presence known somehow my friend.

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A Member of Parliament ? One of your Leaders ? And POM ain't the same as Greasy Wop, Mate.
Neither would my husband like it to much. He's part Italian as well.
It is an old term. I was just pointing out that it seems odd to use it these days.
But nasty never the less.
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Anybody who is not English and public school, is a foreigner. This term can be further subdivided into categories of lesser usefulness such as French and Italian. Because they are so backward we learned to shout at them very slowly and in extreme cases to shoot them. Serves them right. they should speak English, kids of 5 over here can speak English, so why can't foreigners?
Dont worry Whiffy, everyone is learning English if only to get on the net!

Wat an excellent move that was.....
He has a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA).
May be a Masters degree in keeping ones fat mouth shut might be useful to any up and coming MP. Tory or otherwise.
Apparently he is claiming he didn't mean any offence. So that makes it all right then!!

I wonder whether Cameron will openly condemn such outrageous comments or just keep quiet.
brionon Is this debate getting you the answers you really deserve ?
If you as an proud Italian found this remark offensive, lodge a complaint at your local Police station.
Any racist remark can be reported, let the Police and the CPS sort this matter out.
I accepted the fact wherever I was in the World that I was different, and an outsider, I didn't spit my dummy out or act like a child because somebody said something I didn't like.
I have Black and Asian friends and work associates who tell me that they endure racist remarks on a regular basis.

You will never change peoples attitudes and perceptions.

Brush yourself off, be a man, and forget about this stupid remark, or take the other option and get the Police involved.

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Hallo I'm not Italian but,unlike you it seems,I take offence when my wife is insulted. It's the English way.
Whiffey - I laughed at your statement that children over 5 can speak English. Have you listened to how todays youth speak? Sounds like trying to copy the new "gang speak" together with gestigulations to emphasize their point, and never ever finish the whole word. Oh! and I forgot that every other word is either f***, s*** or others of that genre.

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