i can see that you want to do the right thing by everyone but you must start with yourself.
Only on eperson should ever make a termination appointment, and that is the pregnant woman.
Only one person should ever decide whether or not to attend the appointment, and that is the pregnant woman.
Ultimately, this is your decision, and he has no right to force you, however much he sugars the pill, into making a decision which, on the basis of what you have said, you do not agree with.
Cancel the appointment. Have a serious talk with him about you, him, and you and him, and a possible family.
I understand he finds the concept of fatherhood frightening - maybe you both went into it without considering the reality of a baby, but you need to make totally sure that you do what is right for you.
because with him or without him, you have to live with that decision, that's why it is yours and only yours to make.
Good luck, I hope you can move forward and be happy, what ever you decide, but obviously now is not the time to be making such life-changing decisions.