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What laptop for an 8 year old

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kelfoan | 20:19 Wed 26th Nov 2008 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers
My 8 year old son wants a lap top for christmas. I don't want to buy an internet based lap top and was wondering if anyone could offer advice/recommmendations on the various laptops designed for childrem. I have seen some in the v tech range and would appreciatea any feedback on them


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LIDL - they have a learn and play laptop for �29.99 it has spelling, vocab and maths games, general knowledge quizzes and games to improve your kids' musical and language skills. I'm thinking of getting it for my 8 year old. It looks like a real laptop and has a mouse and mat, a stylus and a ROM card for saving profiles.
I guess it depends on what your child is used to. if they have games consoles and access to a real PC, I dont think that one of these is likely to hold their attention for long. Without experience of the other things, they may get more enjoyment.

I have an 8 and a 7 year old and my 8 year old is also after a laptop, but I know that one of the educational ones you are considering would not cut it. So, he is not getting one at all until I feel it is appropriate (and we can afford) to get him a real one. Some of the vtech ones are around the �100 mark and do look the part, but I think for a child used to using windows and a real screen, you may soon feel the limitations and the fact that you cant really enhance it or get extra software - that's a lot of money to gather dust.

What about buying a 2nd hand real lap top with software, but no internet access?

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Have to agree with noknow. Best for them to learn on a real machine, where they can access games, such on the CBeebies site.
This has all manner of learning and games on it, from the very young, to older children. Don't forget, ay 8, your son's going to be using proper computers at school soon - if he hasn't already done so.

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What laptop for an 8 year old

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